Axel Angeli

Axel Angeli Digital Transformation Evangelist, Founder – Logosworld, Germany

Axel Angeli is expert for Industries 4.0 mainly in Agriculture 4.0, Health Care 4.0 and Logistics 4.0. Since the late 1980ties he built a reputation as SAP guru and as a protagonist for Ultra-Large Distributed Computing System that includes such trends like the Internet of Things, SOA and cloud computer Axel Angeli created his own management consultancy Logosworld in 1984 and since then his crew and he himself travel the world to teach and implement computer technology and help building symbiotic partnerships with an increasing focus on emerging countries in Asia, Middle-East, China and Africa.

Axel Angeli is now well known as book author and blogger, international conference speaker and mentor for Distributed Computing, the Elastic Computing Cloud and Ultra-large systems architecture for Enterprises. With his writing, speaking and consulting he helps enterprises to get the best return out of their investment.

Axel Angeli is also advisor to several official institutes and governments in India and a technical advisor to ACP (Africa-Caribbean-Pacific Group of States) to help them accelerate their future Digital politics.

Axel Angeli is now actively doing roadshows to teach Industries 4.0 especially for practical use in emerging and agriculture focussed countries to bring to students and professionals the knowledge that is required to drive their part of the Digital Transformation.